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mò xùžNc @ s d Z d Z d k Z d k l Z y d k l Z Wn d f d „ ƒ YZ n Xy d k Z e Z Wn e j o d k Z n Xd „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z e d ƒ \ Z Z Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d f d „ ƒ YZ d d „ Z d S( s¼ XML Canonicalization This module generates canonical XML of a document or element. and includes a prototype of exclusive canonicalization Requires PyXML 0.7.0 or later. Known issues if using Ft.Lib.pDomlette: 1. Unicode 2. does not white space normalize attributes of type NMTOKEN and ID? 3. seems to be include " " after importing external entities? Note, this version processes a DOM tree, and consequently it processes namespace nodes as attributes, not from a node's namespace axis. This permits simple document and element canonicalization without XPath. When XPath is used, the XPath result node list is passed and used to determine if the node is in the XPath result list, but little else. Authors: "Joseph M. Reagle Jr." <> "Rich Salz" <> $Date: 2003/01/25 11:41:21 $ by $Author: loewis $ s* Copyright 2001, Zolera Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2001, MIT. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under the terms of: Python 2.0 License or later. or W3C Software License N( s Node( s XMLNSt XMLNSc B s t Z d Z d Z RS( Ns$ t __name__t __module__t BASEt XML( ( ( t9 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/ext/c14n.pyR - s c C s | i o | i i ƒ p g S( N( t Et attributest values( R ( ( R t <lambda>6 s c C s | i p g S( N( R t childNodes( R ( ( R R 7 s c C s | i i d ƒ S( Nt xmlns( t nt namet startswith( R ( ( R R 8 s c C s | i d j S( N( R t unsuppressedPrefixest None( R ( ( R R 9 s i c C s7 t | i | i ƒ } | o | Sn t | i | i ƒ S( sB _sorter(n1,n2) -> int Sorting predicate for non-NS attributes.N( t cmpt n1t namespaceURIt n2t it localName( R R R ( ( R t _sorter@ s c C sG | d d j o d Sn | d d j o d Sn t | d | d ƒ S( sY _sorter_ns((n,v),(n,v)) -> int "(an empty namespace URI is lexicographically least)."i R iÿÿÿÿi N( R R R ( R R ( ( R t _sorter_nsI s c C s± | i d ƒ o | d } n | i d ƒ o | d } n | d j o | i d d g j p | | i j p | | j o d Sn x&