Tryag File Manager
Turbo Force
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mò xùžNc @ sY d Z d k Th d d <d d <Z h Z d „ Z d „ Z d f d „ Z d „ Z d S( s´ Registration facilities for DOM. This module should not be used directly. Instead, the functions getDOMImplementation and registerDOMImplementation should be imported from xml.dom.( t *t minidoms xml.dom.minidomt 4DOMs xml.dom.DOMImplementationc C s | t | <d S( sI registerDOMImplementation(name, factory) Register the factory function with the name. The factory function should return an object which implements the DOMImplementation interface. The factory function can either return the same object, or a new one (e.g. if that implementation supports some customization).N( t factoryt registeredt name( R R ( ( t7 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/domreg.pyt registerDOMImplementation s c C s6 x/ | D]' \ } } | i | | ƒ p d Sq q Wd S( sF _good_enough(dom, features) -> Return 1 if the dom offers the featuresi i N( t featurest ft vt domt hasFeature( R R R R ( ( R t _good_enough s c C sL d k } d } t i | ƒ } | o&