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mò xùžNc @ s4 d Z d d d d d d d d g Z d Z d Z d S( s Extended XML support for Python The full PyXML package, available from, is installed. This package contains seven sub-packages: dom -- The W3C Document Object Model. This supports DOM Level 1 + Namespaces. marshal -- Converts Python objects to XML and back again. ns -- Contains namespace URIs for various standards. parsers -- Python wrappers for XML parsers. sax -- The Simple API for XML, developed by XML-Dev, led by David Megginson and ported to Python by Lars Marius Garshol. This supports the SAX 2 API. schema -- Support for XML schema languages. Currently TREX is the only supported language. utils -- Various small utility modules. xpath -- XPath parsing and evaluation. Implemented by Fourthought, Inc. t domt marshalt parserst saxt schemat utilst xpatht xslti i i s 0.8.4N( i i i ( t __doc__t __all__t version_infot __version__( R R R ( ( t5 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/__init__.pyt ? s