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mò äDc @ sj d Z d k Z d k l Z l Z e Z [ d e i f d „ ƒ YZ d e i f d „ ƒ YZ d „ Z d S( sP M2Crypto PGP2 RSA. Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved.N( s m2s RSAt RSAc B s t Z RS( N( t __name__t __module__( ( ( t4 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/M2Crypto/PGP/RSA.pyR s t RSA_pubc B s t Z RS( N( R R ( ( ( R R s c C sE | \ } } t i ƒ } t i | | ƒ t i | | ƒ t | d ƒ S( sM Factory function that instantiates an RSA_pub object from a (e, n) tuple. 'e' is the RSA public exponent; it is a string in OpenSSL's binary format, i.e., a number of bytes in big-endian. 'n' is the RSA composite of primes; it is a string in OpenSSL's binary format, i.e., a number of bytes in big-endian. i N( t et nt m2t rsa_newt rsat rsa_set_e_bint rsa_set_n_binR ( t .0R R R ( ( R t new_pub_key s ( t __doc__t syst M2CryptoR R t _RSAR R ( R R R R R R ( ( R t ? s