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These policies are inherited by each <a href="wsgGloss.htm#virtualserver" class="glossterm"> virtual server</a> and <a href="wsgGloss.htm#subweb" class="glossterm"> subweb</a> unless the <a href="wsgGloss.htm#administratorrole" class="glossterm"> administrator</a> for that virtual server or subweb changes the setting on the virtual server or site administration pages. </p> <p>You can set default settings for:</p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mJourn"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mJournBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mJournBtn, mJournItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mJourn" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mJournBtn, mJournItems);"> Usage analysis </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mJournItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>Specify whether to automatically delete the <a href="wsgGloss.htm#usageanalysis" class="glossterm"> usage analysis</a> data after a certain period of time, and whether to process the log file data for full days only. Web site administrators can change these settings by using the <b> Site Administration</b> page for their Web site.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mNac"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mNacBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mNacBtn, mNacItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mNac" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mNacBtn, mNacItems);"> Mail settings </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mNacItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>Specify the <a href="wsgGloss.htm#SMTPmailserver" class="glossterm"> SMTP mail server</a> to use and the from and<b> </b> reply-to addresses to use. Server administrators can change these settings by using the <b>Change Configuration Settings</b> page for their virtual server. Web site administrators can also change the from and reply-to addresses by using the <b> Site Administration</b> page for their Web site.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mWorld"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mWorldBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mWorldBtn, mWorldItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mWorld" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mWorldBtn, mWorldItems);"> Security settings </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mWorldItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>Specify whether to log authoring actions, require <a href="wsgGloss.htm#SecureSocketsLayer" class="glossterm">Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)</a> for authoring and administration, or allow users to upload executable files. Server administrators can change these settings by using the <b> Change Configuration Settings</b> page for their virtual server.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <P class=Text><B>Note </B>Installation defaults are not enforced. A Web site or virtual server administrator can change the settings from their defaults. </P> </DIV> </DIV> <ol> <li>On the <b> Server</b> <b> Administration</b> page, click <b>Set installation defaults</b>.</li> <li>In the <b> Usage Analysis </b> area, do any of the following:<br><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mMig"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mMigBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mMigBtn, mMigItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mMig" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mMigBtn, mMigItems);"> To automatically delete usage information </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mMigItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <ul> <li>Select <b>Automatically delete stored usage data after ___ months</b>, and then type the number of months to store usage data before deleting it. <p class=Text><b>Note </b>This option is an ongoing option. For example, if you choose to delete usage data after two months, every month your data is checked and any data older than two months is deleted.</li> </ul> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mMit"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mMitBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mMitBtn, mMitItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mMit" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mMitBtn, mMitItems);"> To restrict the usage processing to be done only for complete days </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mMitItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <ul> <li>Select <b>Process log file data for full days only</b>. <p class=Text><b>Note </b>This option specifies that log file data is collected for a full day, from midnight of the previous day to midnight of the current day.</li> </ul> </DIV> </DIV> </li> <li>Click <b>Submit</b>.</li> </ol> </td></tr></table> <table class="footer" align="center"> <tr> <td><img src="1p.gif" height="10px" width="10px"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a class="owsnav" href="wsgHome.htm">Home</a> | <a class="owsnav" href="wsgIndex.htm">Index</a> | <a class="owsnav" href="wsgTOC.htm">Contents</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>©1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation<br> All rights reserved. <a href="wscopyrt.htm">Terms of use.</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>