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These policies are inherited by each <a href="wsgGloss.htm#virtualserver" class="glossterm"> virtual server</a> and <a href="wsgGloss.htm#subweb" class="glossterm"> subweb</a> unless the <a href="wsgGloss.htm#administratorrole" class="glossterm"> administrator</a> for that virtual server or subweb changes the setting on the virtual server or site administration pages. </p> <p>You can set default settings for:</p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mTools"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mToolsBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mToolsBtn, mToolsItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mTools" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mToolsBtn, mToolsItems);"> Usage analysis </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mToolsItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>Specify whether to automatically delete the <a href="wsgGloss.htm#usageanalysis" class="glossterm"> usage analysis</a> data after a certain period of time, and whether to process the log file data for full days only. Web site administrators can change these settings by using the <b> Site Administration</b> page for their Web site.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mNap"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mNapBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mNapBtn, mNapItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mNap" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mNapBtn, mNapItems);"> Mail settings </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mNapItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>Specify the <a href="wsgGloss.htm#SMTPmailserver" class="glossterm"> SMTP mail server</a> to use and the from and<b> </b> reply-to addresses to use. Server administrators can change these settings by using the <b>Change Configuration Settings</b> page for their virtual server. Web site administrators can also change the from and reply-to addresses by using the <b> Site Administration</b> page for their Web site.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mNac"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mNacBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mNacBtn, mNacItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mNac" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mNacBtn, mNacItems);"> Security settings </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mNacItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>Specify whether to log authoring actions, require <a href="wsgGloss.htm#SecureSocketsLayer" class="glossterm">Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)</a> for authoring and administration, or allow users to upload executable files. Server administrators can change these settings by using the <b> Change Configuration Settings</b> page for their virtual server.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <P class=Text><B>Note </B>Installation defaults are not enforced. A Web site or virtual server administrator can change the settings from their defaults. </P> </td></tr></table> <table class="footer" align="center"> <tr> <td><img src="1p.gif" height="10px" width="10px"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a class="owsnav" href="wsgHome.htm">Home</a> | <a class="owsnav" href="wsgIndex.htm">Index</a> | <a class="owsnav" href="wsgTOC.htm">Contents</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>©1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation<br> All rights reserved. <a href="wscopyrt.htm">Terms of use.</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>